Our Principles

At Academy Securities, we understand that the financial industry is first and foremost a service industry. We want to be consistently recognized for exceptional client service and our unwavering adherence to our core values:

  1. Teamwork

    Teamwork is the hallmark of our firm. Our team relentlessly pursues successful outcomes for our clients. Our military leadership training and combat experience have taught us the imperative value of teamwork, perseverance, and the intrinsic benefit of knowing what it takes to accomplish a goal established by collaborative thinking and ingenuity.

  2. Loyalty

    Relationships are at the core of our business. In our minds, loyalty is the willingness to make an investment or personal sacrifice to strengthen relationships. Trust is measurable and has strict metrics, while loyalty is based on consistent action. As a firm, loyalty is paramount with no compromise.

  3. Integrity

    Trust is the mandatory foundation from which strong relationships are built. In the military, just as in finance, cohesion is critical to mission success. Team members must rely upon each other to take responsibility, accountability, and execute to plan, often under the most stressful environments. Our high level of trust and integrity provide an unparalleled bond within our firm, while providing the core foundation for our lifelong relationships with our clients. We value and honor our clients. We have seen first-hand that living by a strong ethical code produces exceptional results, and the financial industry is no exception. We will earn and respect your trust.