A native of the Carolinas, Mastin Robeson was commissioned in 1975 and served over 34 years on active duty in the United States Marine Corps, during which time he served in more than 60 countries. He retired from the Marine Corps in February 2010. Major General Robeson served in combat zones in Liberia, Desert Storm, Somalia, Bosnia, Horn of Africa, Southern Philippines, Iraq and Afghanistan. He commanded at every operational level in the Marine Corps, including its Anti-Terrorism unit, an infantry battalion, an infantry regiment, a combined joint task force in combat, two Marine Expeditionary Brigades, two Marine Divisions, and the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command. He served as Military Assistant to Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen and as General Dave Petraeus’ Director of Strategy, Plans, and Assessments in Iraq, where he was responsible for writing and assessing the 2007 Crocker/Petraeus surge campaign plan.
He is an honor graduate of the Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School and Command & Staff College, a graduate of Bryan College, and completed the Army’s Advanced Operational Arts Studies Fellowship. He also instructed at the Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School and at the Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies.
Since 2010, Mastin has been President and CEO of TRGSolutions, a consulting firm that has assisted more than 27 companies in business development, marketing strategy and planning, executive leadership and decision-making, and crisis management. Mastin serves as the Chairman of the Board of Upstate Warrior Solutions (non-profit assisting veterans and their families in the Upstate of South Carolina), is a member of the Greenville Health System’s Operations Council, and is a senior advisor to North America Rescue Inc. He also speaks on leadership and corporate culture transformation, and he continues to support studies and education efforts in Africa, the Middle East, South America and the Pacific Rim.
Mastin previously served as the President and CEO of Imperatis Corp. in Arlington, Virginia as a senior advisor to Royal TenCate, as a senior advisor to Developing Alternatives Incorporated, on several Boards of Directors and Boards of Advisors, and on a college Board of Trustees.
Mastin is married to his college sweetheart of 41 years and has four children and nine grandchildren.