Iran Update – Downed Drone


In a defensive action, the USS Boxer shot down an Iranian Drone near the Strait of Hormuz


Comments from Academy’s GIG:


  • Lieutenant General Dave Deptula:

 “A couple of points…

1) This is not unexpected as Iran is trying to get the U.S. drawn into conflict that they know will split U.S. from European participants in JPOCA.

2) We don’t yet know what kind of “drone” this was…a 4 lb hand-launched DJI – Mavic 2 Pro Quadcopter, or a Shahid-129 with weapons.

3) The U.S. is always able to act in self-defense.

4) This is another example of unprovoked aggression on the part of Iran, and while expected, should not be condoned.

5) I’d expect that the U.S. would bring this up at the UN Security Council as another act of Iranian aggression.”


  • Lieutenant General Frank Kearney:

“I concur with Dave’s thoughts.  The U.S. has now acted kinetically – raising the bar and no lives were lost. This allows the U.S. Navy to demonstrate that it will shoot without escalating to produce casualties.”


  • Lieutenant General Robert Walsh:


“The shootdown today of an Iranian drone by the USS Boxer was almost an expected action based on the severe economic pressure that the U.S sanctions are having on the government of Iran and its people.  Iran’s attempts to work around the sanctions with the Europeans has had very little effect so their only real option is to raise global tensions with military actions without getting to the level of starting a military conflict.  Their goal is to impact global oil prices by causing global concern in the hopes that the U.S. will ease the sanctions based on global pressure. If anything, these Iranian acts are demonstrating to the U.S. that the crippling economic sanctions are in fact bringing Iran to its knees with the goal of an eventual agreement to cease enriching uranium past the limits of the nuclear deal and any attempt to develop nuclear weapons. Additionally, oil prices have been fairly steady and have not been significantly impacted by the drastic military actions Iran has taken over the last several months.


Today’s proportional response is exactly in line with President Trump’s previous action and statements when Iran shot down the U.S. Global Hawk drone.  He then said he canceled a responsive attack on Iranian missile and radar sites because of the potential death that would result and that he felt such an attack was not proportional.  He highlighted today that the USS Boxer’s response was proportional and was a defensive action to protect U.S. Sailors and Marines that were threatened when the drone closed to within 1,000 yards of the USS Boxer.  The Boxer, as part of the Boxer Amphibious Ready Group, includes over 2,000 Marines of 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit.  They have many offensive and defensive capabilities to include strike aircraft onboard that can act as a deterrent to any further Iranian aggression.  The Boxer just entered the Persian Gulf after Iran’s Revolutionary Guard forces seized a Panamanian registered oil tanker on July 14 that Iran said was smuggling oil.


The U.S. maximum pressure campaign is working and is painting Iran as the aggressor.  Iranian actions like today should help towards the U.S. call for a coalition to support Freedom of Navigation operations and protect global commerce.”


Original Post 7/19/2019